Drop It Like It’s Fall

Drop It Like It’s Fall

Last week, we talked about making Fall your season to get Back to YOU—a fresh start and a reset. Missed it? Catch up here! But now that Fall is officially here today, I’ve got something else on my mind: the art of letting go.

Look at the trees. They don’t stress when their leaves start to fall. No panic, no second-guessing. They just let go. The leaves drop, swirling to the ground in a beautiful, effortless dance. It’s part of the natural flow—no drama, no clinging to what’s no longer needed.

What if we could do that? Just let go of the stuff that’s weighing us down without overthinking it?

For me, I’m letting go of overthinking this season. The constant mental loops, the “what ifs,” the endless analyzing—it’s exhausting, right? I’m choosing to release it and go with the flow—just like the trees.

Now, here’s the real question: What’s something you can let go of this Fall? Whether it’s a negative habit, a worry, or an old story you keep telling yourself. Imagine how light you’d feel dropping it like the trees drop their leaves.

So, what’s your “leaf” this season?

Let’s make this Fall about shedding the old and embracing the new. Who’s in?

Much love,
xoxo Tracy

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