Give Yourself Permission

Give Yourself Permission

Have you ever felt like you’re waiting for someone else to give you the green light?

I’ve been there—years spent waiting for some external sign or approval, thinking that’s when I’d finally be able to go after what I wanted. But here’s what I learned: the longer I looked outside of myself for permission, the more stuck I became.

The truth is, no one else holds the key to your freedom. The answers you’re searching for? They’ve always been inside you. You don’t need permission from anyone else but you to step into your power and start living the life you want.

This week, I’m inviting you to give yourself that permission. Instead of waiting, let’s flip the script. What if you didn’t need anyone’s approval to be exactly who you are or to go after what you’ve been dreaming of?

The challenge:
It's simple, but powerful. Write yourself a permission slip. Whatever’s been holding you back, let this be your sign to give yourself permission to move forward. To be, do, and feel exactly what you need.

To make it official, I’ve created something just for you. Take a minute to fill it out, or simply say it out loud and own it.

Your Permission Slip

Dear Me,
I, __________ (your name), give myself permission to:

  • Be __________ (boldly and unapologetically).
  • Pursue __________ (the dream that I’ve been holding back on).
  • Say no to __________ (the things that drain me).
  • Embrace __________ (what brings me joy and peace).
  • Trust __________ (my inner wisdom and guidance).

I no longer need to seek validation from outside sources. I trust that I am capable, I am worthy, and I am enough—just as I am.

__________ (your name)
Date: __________

Let this be a reminder that you are the one who gives yourself permission. You’ve always had the power. No need to wait—step into it, fully and fearlessly.

With love and permission,
xoxo Tracy

P.S. Just a friendly reminder: everything really is always working out. ✨ Be sure to subscribe, and you’ll get these little gems every Sunday to start your week inspired.

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