If I Wasn't Afraid, I Would...

If I Wasn't Afraid, I Would...

What would you do if fear wasn’t holding you back? I mean, how many times have we been stopped in our tracks by that pesky little voice whispering all the reasons why we shouldn’t, couldn’t, or wouldn’t?

Here's the thing: courage comes before confidence. Yup, you heard that right. You’ve got to muster up some guts first, and then watch as confidence swoops in like your own personal superhero.

I have a magnet with the quote "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone" plastered on the door in our laundry room. It's there to remind not only myself but my sons of this golden rule. It’s my daily nudge to step out, to dare, to live fully.

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
Sometimes, the very thing we're scared of is exactly what's meant for us. It’s about feeling the fear but doing it anyway. Let’s face it: if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. Here's how it’s played out in my life:
  1. First Date Jitters: Saying yes to my first date was terrifying. The butterflies, the nerves, the self-doubt—ugh! But stepping into that fear led me to a lifetime of priceless memories with my hubby, my best friend.

  2. Career Moves: Interviewing for my first corporate job was a huge leap. I was so nervous I almost talked myself out of going. But I showed up, did my best, and landed a role that kickstarted my career. Who am I kidding though, every interview has been a nail-biter but always led to growth and new adventures.

  3. Family Adventures: Bringing home a hypoallergenic pup, Scout, who's now 12, into our very allergic home was a gamble. But we did it, and now our furry friend is a cherished part of our family.

  4. Big Purchases: Buying new homes is always scary, but I remember buying my first home, a condo on Lakeshore Drive, was a particularly daunting decision. But the joy and pride I felt once I took that leap? Unmatched.

  5. Traveling Abroad: Stepping onto a plane for international travel, leaving behind the familiar for the unknown, opened my eyes to the beauty and richness of different cultures. Each trip has been an unforgettable adventure.
Your Turn
What about you? If you weren't afraid, what would you do? The possibilities are endless. Whether it's starting that side hustle, taking a solo trip, or simply speaking up in a meeting—think about the doors you could open by pushing past fear.

This Week's Challenge
This week, I challenge you to pick one thing you've been afraid to do and take a step towards it. It doesn’t have to be huge. Even a tiny step can lead to monumental change.

Remember, courage is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. And who knows? You might just discover that the life you’ve always wanted is on the other side of that fear.

Here’s to stepping out of our comfort zones and into the amazing possibilities that await.

Fearlessly yours,
xoxo Tracy

P.S. Want more inspiration? Check out our previous Thought Gems for a weekly dose of motivation and encouragement!
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