One Word That Could Change Everything

One Word That Could Change Everything


I get it—it’s not easy. But surrender isn’t about giving up or losing control. It’s about trust. Letting go of the pressure to have everything figured out right now. Last week, we talked about letting go, like trees gracefully releasing their leaves. This week, we’re taking it a step further. Surrender is about allowing life to flow, trusting in something bigger, and knowing that fighting against the current isn’t going to get us anywhere.

Whether you call it God, the Universe, or something else, surrender means trusting that there’s a force out there guiding you. It’s knowing deep down that what’s meant for you won’t pass you by, even if things look a little different than you expected. Sometimes, those “bad” moments? They’re actually pointing you right to where you need to be.

Surrender isn’t giving up—it’s letting go of the need to control every tiny detail. It’s allowing life to unfold as it’s meant to. And when you stop pushing, you create space for ease, for unexpected solutions, for the magic that’s waiting for you. I won’t say it’s always easy, but when you surrender, you make room for the beautiful things to flow in.

So this week 
I’m inviting you to surrender something. Maybe it’s that overthinking that’s been weighing you down, or the stress of trying to control it all. Let go, even just a little bit, and trust that things are working out. Watch what happens when you allow life to surprise you.

And while you're at it, give Carrie Underwood’s Jesus, Take the Wheel a listen. It’s such a beautiful example of what surrender really feels like. Now, I don't consider myself as religious, but I believe we can all come together around the idea of surrendering to something greater than ourselves. And her voice? Yep, you guessed it—it's A Beautiful Fix 🎶

With ease and flow,
xoxo Tracy

P.S. Ready to let go of overthinking and embrace the beauty of surrender? Be sure to subscribe, and you’ll get these little gems every Sunday to start your week inspired.

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