Stop Searching for Yourself—Here’s Why You Haven’t Found Her

Stop Searching for Yourself—Here’s Why You Haven’t Found Her

There’s this moment no one really warns you about. The one where you wake up and realize you don’t feel like yourself anymore.

Maybe you can’t even pinpoint when it happened. You just know something is off.

  • You used to laugh more. Now, things feel heavy.
  • You used to dream about what’s next. Now, you’re just getting through the day.
  • You used to feel alive. Now, you feel… muted.

And so the search begins.

We try to find ourselves in different ways:

  • A new job, a new goal, a new city
  • A self-help binge (been there)
  • A deep dive into who we used to be

But you—the real you—isn’t lost.

She’s just waiting for you to stop looking outward and start looking inward.

Where Did You Go?

The thing is, you haven’t disappeared. You’ve just gotten buried under who the world has told you to be.

The expectations. The roles. The shoulds.

Somewhere along the way, you started making tiny trade-offs:

  • Saying yes when your gut said no.
  • Pushing aside what excites you because it wasn’t “productive.”
  • Shrinking parts of yourself to fit the version of you that made sense to others.

And those little trade-offs add up.

Until one day, you realize… you don’t even know what you want anymore.

How to Find Yourself Again (Spoiler: You Don’t Have to Search)

Instead of trying to find yourself, what if you just started listening to her again?

Here’s a little experiment:

Step 1: Ask yourself—where do I feel most like me?

Not where you feel comfortable or accepted—where do you feel lit up, unfiltered, unmasked?

Maybe it’s:

  • Dancing in the kitchen when no one’s watching
  • Walking barefoot outside, feeling the earth under your feet 
  • Singing in the car like you’re on stage

Whatever it is, do more of that.

Step 2: Listen for what you’ve been ignoring.

The real you is still speaking—it’s just that the noise of life has been drowning her out.

Pay attention to the moments when:

  • An idea sparks excitement, but you immediately dismiss it.
  • You get a gut feeling that you push aside for logic. 
  • You crave a certain experience, but tell yourself it’s “not the right time.”

That’s her. That’s you.

Start tuning back in.

The Real You is Waiting for a Reunion

She’s not lost. She’s not out there waiting to be found. She’s right here, waiting for you to remember.

So here’s your challenge this week:
Do one thing that makes you feel like you again.
Even if it’s small.
Even if it doesn’t make sense.

Because you are your greatest comeback story.

Here’s to remembering you, 
xoxo Tracy

P.S. Last week’s podcast dives even deeper into this journey—how to reconnect with yourself and get back to what makes you feel alive.

Listen now:
🎧 Apple Podcasts
🎧 Spotify 
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And if this idea of tuning back into who you really are is lighting something up inside you… ohhh, you’re going to love where we’re headed. I’ve been exploring something that makes this whole “finding yourself” thing make SO much more sense, and I can’t wait to start sharing it with you soon. Stay tuned.

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