The "Should Diet"

The "Should Diet"

Ever find yourself caught in the trap of saying "I should do this" or "I should have done that"? Recently, I learned an invaluable lesson at a retreat about what’s called a "should diet." I was intrigued when the woman next to me mentioned it, and I knew I had to learn more.

Before diving into the "should diet," I don't want to gloss over how amazing and life-changing the retreat was. I'll have to dedicate a future Thought Gem just to the magic of retreats.

Back to the "should diet." The woman explained that we need to choose our words wisely. Instead of saying "should," we should replace it with words like "could," "will," and "because." These words carry more power and intention. And the "because"? It’s crucial for understanding your "why" behind doing something. It adds purpose and clarity.

For example, instead of saying, "I should exercise," try saying, "I will exercise because I want to feel healthier and more energetic."

This simple shift in language can have a profound impact on our mindset and actions. Credit for this gem goes to Dana Schmit, a storywork coach and sound healer, who you can find at

I’d like to add another word into this "should diet": "Get." Try saying, "I get to [fill in the blank with anything you would have ordinarily felt like you should or had to]." For example, "I get to wake up early in the morning," or "I get to make dinner." Feels a little different than "I have to" or "I should," right?

This Week's Challenge
Your Turn. I challenge you to go on a "should diet." Take a moment to reflect on how often you use "should" and try replacing it with "could," "will," "get," and "because." Notice how it changes your perspective and motivation.

Let’s embrace this empowering language shift together and see where it leads us.

Here’s to living intentionally and powerfully!

Purposefully yours,
xoxo Tracy

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