Have you ever paused to think about what you’re manifesting or attracting into your life? It’s a big question, but I recently came across an even more important one that serves as a barometer for your manifestations:
How beautiful is your own company?
And no, I’m not talking about your business here—I mean you and the energy you bring into the world. When I first heard this question, I was taken aback. A Beautiful Fix is all about spotlighting how beautiful life is, but I had never stopped to ask myself this question. If I’m honest, the first thought that rushed through my head was, “It ain’t pretty.” At least not as much as I’d like to admit.
I’m a work in progress, for sure.
I can’t say that my company—my personal energy—is consistently beautiful. Those closest to me hear me gripe and complain more often than I’d like to admit. But where I can pat myself on the back is that I’m consistently working on my energy level, what I choose to focus on, and trying to be what I want to see in the world.
But here’s why this question is crucial: Your energy is a reflection of what you’re manifesting. If your company—meaning your personal energy and the vibe you bring into any space—isn’t beautiful, how can you expect your life to reflect beautiful things? If people aren’t giving you the ultimate compliment of “you’ve got great energy,” it’s time to double down on the work you’re doing on yourself.
There’s a saying that goes, “The universe doesn’t give you what you want; it gives you what you are.” Sit with that for a moment. If your energy isn’t in alignment with what you want to attract—whether it’s love, abundance, kindness, or joy—then how can you expect the universe to deliver those things to you?
This week's challenge
So that’s my challenge for the week—for you and me both. Let’s stay conscious of the energy we’re showing up with in any space. Let’s strive to make the answer to that question “yes.” My company is beautiful.
With such beautiful energy,
xoxo Tracy
P.S. Check out our other Thought Gems for more insights and inspiration to make your week remarkable!