When was the last time you truly listened to yourself? Not the voice telling you what you should do, but the quiet nudge of what you really want.
For years, I didn’t even know how to hear that voice. My days were packed with responsibilities, to-do lists, and expectations—most of them self-imposed. I’ll never forget the moment I finally stopped and tried to figure it out. I sat down, determined to answer for what felt like the millionth time: What DO I love to do?
And… nothing. Nada. No inspiration, no excitement, not even frustration. Just a dull void.
I realized I had spent so much time prioritizing everything else that I didn’t even know myself anymore. And the saddest part? I used to be a big dreamer. If daydreaming were a career, I could’ve been the CEO. But now my dreams were silent.
It wasn’t until I gave myself permission to slow down that things started to shift. Not overnight, not in some big, magical way, but in small, quiet moments. Pausing to ask myself, What do I actually want? brought me closer to clarity.
Sometimes the answers were small, like I want to walk outside or I’m craving pizza tonight. Other times, they were huge—like reevaluating my entire career. Every time I tuned in, I took a step closer to finding myself again.
Your inner compass doesn’t always scream for attention. It whispers. But when you take a moment to listen, it can guide you to incredible places.
I’ll be sharing more about this on my new podcast launching later this month, but for now…
This week, let’s tune in.
Your beautiful shift:
This week, take 5 minutes each day to pause and ask yourself, What do I want? Write it down. No judgment, no pressure to act—just listen. If it feels hard, start small. What do you want to eat today? What do you want to feel tomorrow? The more you ask, the clearer your compass will become.
With love and guidance,
xoxo Tracy
P.S. Big things are coming! My podcast, launching later this month, will explore these moments of reconnection—stories of finding clarity, following your inner compass, and discovering what truly lights you up. You can get a sneak peek with the trailer now on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. I can’t wait to share more with you. Stay tuned!